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Dispelling 4 Myths About Spinal Decompression

woman in gray shirt holding lower backChronic back pain can be debilitating, and the potential treatments available often seem overwhelming. While some people opt for surgery or medications to manage their symptoms, others have found relief with spinal decompression therapy. Despite its potential benefits, many myths about this form of motorized traction persist, which prevent people from considering it a viable option for treating their chronic back pain.

Myth 1: It’s a risky procedure.


Decompression is exceptionally safe and gentle, and perhaps best of all—no surgery required. As the therapy is given in an incredibly gentle way, we can stimulate the pumping mechanism of the disc to increase the fluid and get nutrition, because discs don’t have their own blood supply.

Our decompression system is so gentle, we are able to prevent a muscular reflex that happens when the joint is stretched too much. The reflex is in place to protect this spine and tissues from over stretching, but because our spinal decompression is done in a gentle manner, we can prevent that reflex from taking place.

Myth #2: Getting spinal decompression is like a chiropractic adjustment.


No, it’s not. Chiropractic is responsible for the alignment of the spine, pelvis, and extremities, whereas spinal decompression focuses on caring for the disc itself. Some patients like to do both, but some patients come just for decompression. We even have other chiropractors who refer patients to us for this procedure while the receive chiropractic care in their office.

“You can’t adjust, do physical therapy, provide acupuncture, medicate, or surgically alter a disc back to health; it needs to be done with a procedure like decompression,” said Dr. Bogart.

Myth #3: Everyone gets results quickly.


Some patients do notice a significant difference after just one session. Usually, most people notice some improvement within three to four sessions. Sometimes it takes a little longer, depending on the severity of their problem.

Myth #4: Spinal decompression is the same as traction.


Many people think of spinal decompression as just a type of mechanical traction. While it is a form of traction, it is not just a pull or stretch. It is done in such a way and with a specific frequency of pulling patterns that it actually pumps the discs and help it to restore it’s pumping mechanism.

Dr. Bogart has had patients ask him, “Why can’t I just do an inversion table?” An inversion table does a static version of what decompression is, but it does nothing to affect the pumping mechanism. “It’s statically and continuously pulling on the disc, but it’s not stimulating the pump action of fluid intake and outtake in those discs,” he said. In contrast, spinal decompression is better, as it involves a pumping and releasing pattern with a specific timing that has been perfected over the last few decades.

If you have questions about spinal decompression and how it might benefit you, contact Parkside Health & Wellness Center today to book an appointment.

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